Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Week 7: possibly some scrapbooking progress while being sick :)

So I haven't updated. Sorry, this apparently happens to me during week 4 and 5....and 6!! haha! But I am still working on lots of things! I've done water aerobic exercises about 8 times the last 2 weeks, I've create an argyle wall in Brynlie's future big girl room, planned activity days, tackled (with no success) potty training, gotten sick twice, stayed current with my gratitude journal, been in Wee Care at wee hours of the night for croup, stayed current with Downton Abby (with Travis), worked a lot on hypnobirthing (with Travis), hosted my brother twice and my parents twice (4 different occasions), and spent a few evenings down at their house!!! Just to name the out of the ordinary stuff...

(This is me at 28 weeks, way sick with the stomach flu. And below is Trav laying on the kitchen floor because he was even more sick, playing with Brynlie who had just barely stopped throwing up herself! funfun!)

But my main goal was to FEEL healthy. I know week 4 was similar, but the last 2 weeks I've really focused on exercise and really feeling the health. (apart of colds and the stomach flu). I guess what I mean is I have made good food and exercise choices. AND to top it off I DON'T have high blood pressure...during my pregnancy with Brynlie my blood pressure started to act up around this time. Hopefully it will continue to be fine! (PRAY!)

So this next week will be yet another week mostly hanging out at home. Joy. I am not a home body person and love to be out of the house for a little bit each day. So does Brynlie, especially after the last couple of weeks. By the time Trav comes home we are both at our whits end to leave and see new scenery!! But, nonetheless, that's what the next week has in store due to our colds.
(Brynlie likes getting outside, but snow it NOT her thing...this year.)

But I have a plan!

My goal to week 7 is my scrapbook. With the holidays I've taken a LOT of picture but never had the time or devotion to do anything about them once they were taken. So this week is simply to work on scrapbooking. I have journaling to do, pictures to choose and then print, and then add everything into the scrapbook. I'm not going to make any specific goal amount to accomplish. There's just too much pressure in that. Scrapbooking for me is a productive thing to do but it's also a FUN thing to do and it can easily turn not fun when I'm hurrying through it. There's no need to be 100% caught up by the end of this week (but that would be nice), but I know if I do a small amount each day I'll get a lot done!

Wish me luck!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Week 4: Water or no water?

Alright folks, no worries, I'm still working on my week 4's goal. What is it, you ask!? It's to be a little more healthier, specifically with working out.

The last few weeks working out has gotten harder for me. We have a (very) simple stationary bike at home and it's always been my default but lately it just kills my sciatic nerve for days and weeks afterwards. Anyway, to make a long story short I've decided that water aerobis might just be the way to go for me for the next few months.

So week 4's goal was to go to at least 3 water aerobics classes at the Clearfield Aquatic Center. They actually have serveral choices of classes. I started on Tuesday since the gym was closed until then. Tuesday night I got all dressed, got all psyched to go (by myself and in the cold, brr..), got the $5.50 it costs, got Brynlie and Travis all ready to survive without me ;), drove there, opened the door and waited at the front desk. And I waited, waited and waited until I had to go to the bathroom! haha! Hey, I'm pregnant, give me a break! But there was no one there. 5 cars, including mine, in the parking lot were probably owned by the 5 cleaning people I ran into as I helped myself to the ladies room. They all just smiled at me, welcoming me to the gym. Yet....I'm pretty sure the gym was closed. I was so bummed especially when I doubled checked the schedule and it really says that they were going to be open Tuesday night.

But, I get an E for effort, right!?

Then, I thought about going to the "open plunge" or the regular swim today and swimming with in the deep end with Brynlie in her floaty. It would be at least a half decent workout and it sounded fun. So today I woke up all mentally ready to take us two swimming to find that the "open plunge" doesn't open until 3:30pm today - which wouldn't work with our plans tonight. Bummer!

Because I was so planning on it last night and this morning, I feel like I  get another E for effort.

But I did spend a whole hour dancing with Just Dance on the Wii, silently praying it wouldn't make my sciatic nerve pain worse. I actually got a pretty good workout - that's how out of shape I am - and my hip-area doesn't neccessarily feel better or a whole lot worse. So yay!

Tuesday I did go grocery shopping and bought a lot of healthy food and got excited again about making some yummy dinners. Which I did make healthy dinners a few times this week! Which made for healthy lunches. (I LOVE leftovers!) I also picked up some protein powder. I am a fan of protien drinks. And, other thing, last night I didn't have any treats/sweets/desserts, which after a yummy Christmas and New Year's is a big deal!

So yay, healthier food choices this week!

Tomorrow (IF the gym is actually open! haha), I'm going to the deep water aerobis class since Trav is home. So maybe three times really is the charm! :)