Today reminded me of my gratitude for:
Wonderful extended family
Kids growing up - potential and hope
Mornings alone (see: "what worked today")
Obedient kids
The gift of being an agent unto myself (A child's tantrum does't mean I need to suddenly feel stressed too. I want to feel good, so I will think true/positive things and then say "Ill be here for you if you decide/remember something proactive that you would like support for.") #longwindedlove
Listening to my kids - that are so precious and funny
How there are many more moments I could jot down - I'm surprised as I look back on my day
What God said to me today:
Notice the joy you already feel. Think, "Am I feeling joy right now?" You'll enjoy that you feel joy more often that your mind thinks you do.
Pray to create and create all the time.
Enjoy "school" ("A-Blast" outlets is a possibility)
Life is good and kind.
It feels so good to take care of yourself (vitamin C drink) rather than feeling sorry and sulking (eating chocolate)
What worked today:
Having the first moments of the day with myself, taking care of myself (getting dressed, hair, and makeup) while listening to church music, uninterrupted and only with myself.
Not picking up the negative energy surrounding the tantrum; giving the negative energy to Christ to recycle it to light energy through the atonement (she settled down so fast with such great outlet)
Making tacos and asking/making most of my kids try it....and then they liked it! (Note: it's my theory that making kids try food, especially when its forced and its a negative experience, just makes kids lives and parents lives hard. I believe that enjoying adult food is more developmental than mental. I anticipate my kids to be easy eaters the older they get.)
Having a healthy snack tonight.
Enjoying my little family tonight instead of having friends over.
Having plans for tomorrow.
What I want to create tomorrow:
A desire to be with my family in the morning that is matched with there kind desire to be with me and us all laughing with and enjoying each other... we work out.
A fun and slightly healthy theater experience
Loving the show
Yummy ice cream
A solid break after the theater to brainstorm fun ideas for the week and start the creation.
Time to listen to YHLHAP and #energyprofilingwithcarol
Partnering with Heavenly Father and Christ
Getting a new toothbrush
Eating another nurturing snack
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