Wednesday, April 3, 2013

maternity pictures!!

After two negative pregnancy tests, we actually found out I was truly pregnant when I missed my period. This made the first 5 weeks fly by! :)
We told everyone that we were pregnant at 3 months with a fun family picture. Here's my single shot during the photo shoot.
At 4 months, my good friend Tatjana who we played with all summer, had her baby boy! (This was taken at her house)
At 19 weeks (almost 5 months), I was on a cruise in the Bahamas with my hubby and friends!
At 6 months, in December, I made gingerbread houses every weekend. I had never made them before in my life!
In January, and at 7 months (27 weeks), I discoverd, feel in love with, and became surprisingly passionate about water aerobics!
At 28 weeks, we all got the nasty stomach flu. All I remember is that Coke saved us! That stuff is powerful! :)
At 8 months, I bought myself some maternity skinny jeans and felt totaly stylin' shopping with my cousin Emily Smith at City Creek!
At exactly 9 months, or 36 weeks, it was Brynlie's 2nd birthday and I was on a seated bed rest due to the dreaded high blood pressure I've gotten during both pregnancies!
A week later, I suddenly had a need to take another random 37 week pregnancy picture... (by our new piano!)

The next day Trevin Dale Thompsen was born!!!! This picture below was taken when he was one week or 8 days after the picture above!
(These maternity pictures were inspired by Kelly White! She looked like she had fun with her maternity pictures and inspired me to do the same!)

1 comment:

  1. Rach, I love these!! So fun and creative. Love how they are festive and telling of each month of your pregnancy. And dang - that baby weight just melted right off of ya!! You are looking FAB, my friend!!
